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Are There More Options Than Abortion?

Yes, there are two other options for an unexpected pregnancy: adoption and parenting. If you have found out you’re pregnant and wondering what you will do, exploring every option can help.

Visit Pathways Clinic to verify your pregnancy and receive information on every option. Our caring team is here to help you as you consider what’s next. Keep reading to learn more information on adoption and parenting.

Adoption and Parenting: What Do They Mean for You?

While adoption and parenting both require carrying your pregnancy to term, most similarities end there. Your role as either a birth mother or mother would be very different, and each one comes with considerations.

Adoption Considerations

As a birth mother, you will transfer your parental rights and obligations to an adoptive couple. This means you will not have parenting authority anymore.

However, you can still choose the adoptive family and select an adoption plan that fits your privacy and communication needs. For instance, if you want to remain in your child’s life, you may select an open adoption plan where you can share your identity and communicate directly with the adoptive family and child.

Washington is one of the few states that allows for legally binding communication agreements. In other states, open adoption might not be legally enforceable, so it would be essential to find an adoptive family that values continuing communication with you.

Who Might Choose Adoption?

Adoption may be the ideal option for you if you believe an adoptive family could provide your child with a bright future or if you are not in a position to parent right now. It is also one of the more affordable options because the adoptive family typically covers adoption legal fees, medical expenses not covered by insurance, and sometimes more.

However, some birth mothers may struggle emotionally after finalizing an adoption because of bonding with their child or desiring to parent if they could. the opportunity to earn money and play exciting games only on musang4d, a safe and trusted site

Additionally, adoption is not co-parenting. You will not have a say in the adoptive family’s parenting decisions because they are the legal parents. This situation could be challenging for women who want to be more involved.

Parenting Considerations

Parenting involves caring for your child and providing for their needs until adulthood. This type of relationship comes with rewards and challenges.

On one hand, you are responsible for caring for and providing for them. On the other hand, you can experience joy and love and develop a lifelong relationship that lasts beyond their 18 years with you.

However, parenting can be challenging, especially navigating the newborn and toddler years before they are in school. If you are considering parenting, think about how you can afford to provide for your child, how you would navigate working and childcare, and who could become a part of your support system.

Pathways Clinic can provide information on parenting and financial resources if you are considering parenting as an option. Support is available.

Visit Pathways Clinic

When you are having trouble choosing between your options, talking through them with a caring team member can help.

Visit Pathways Clinic for free-of-charge pregnancy services and to receive information, resources, and encouragement. Contact us today!

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