No-Cost and Confidential Women's Center
Pathways Clinic
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What Are My Second Trimester Pregnancy Options in Washington?

The second trimester of pregnancy is between weeks 13-26. If you are in your second trimester of pregnancy and are looking for information regarding your options for the outcome of your pregnancy, Pathways Clinic provides options counseling free of charge so you can understand your options and make an informed decision.


In Washington, abortion is legal through viability, when a baby can survive outside the mother’s body. The viability of a pregnancy is said to be between 24 and 26 weeks after the woman’s last menstrual period.

Abortion options in the second trimester are more limited than in the first because a medical abortion is not FDA-approved in pregnancies over 10 weeks. This means an abortion in the second trimester will be a surgical procedure called a dilation and evacuation (D&E). The day before a D&E is performed, sticks made of laminaria are inserted into the woman’s cervix to dilate it slowly. During the procedure, a weighted speculum widens the vagina before inserting a suction tube through the cervix. The amniotic fluid is removed with suction, and surgical tools pull pieces of the fetus out until it is completely removed. 

As with other surgical procedures, D&E carries risks that should be understood before undergoing the procedure. 


Many women feel strongly that parenting their child is not an option but do not want to terminate their pregnancy. Adoption is placing your child with a family that will love them and raise them as their own child.

Adoption provides many choices for a birth mother, starting with the decision of adoption plans. A birth mother can choose the birth plan that most aligns with her needs.

  • Open adoption—for women that want to be a part of their child’s life as they grow, open adoption is a good choice. The birth mother can choose the parents she wants to raise her child. Together, they will decide on a communication plan. Some birth mothers choose to be involved in person, while others may only want phone calls or texts.
  • Semi-open adoption—some women want to have contact with the adoptive family but wish to remain anonymous. In a semi-open adoption, the parties communicate through a third party, so their information remains confidential.
  • Closed adoption—in a closed adoption, no communication occurs between the parties. All identifying information remains sealed.


For women who did not plan their pregnancy, parenting can feel impossible. Though parenting is a challenge, it is also rewarding. If you want to consider parenting your baby but are worried about your ability to support them, our informed staff can help you understand what resources are available to help. Pathways Clinic also provides free resources like parenting education and a boutique to help you prepare for your baby’s arrival. 

Talk With Us

Make a free appointment with Pathways Clinic today. Let’s talk about your pregnancy options and the concerns you have.

Confidence Comes With Choosing Courage Over Fear.